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Pelle dalla salute alla bellezza. Guida pratica alla cura dermocosmetica.
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Dott.ssa Maria Gabriella di Russo
Medico Chirurgo
Specialista in Idrologia Medica
Medico Chirurgo
Specialista in Idrologia Medica
Novità, anticipazione, notizie dal mondo dei filler e dei più innovativi trattamenti estetici....
Per saperne di più - Il mondo di Restylane
For a very short time aesthetic medicine has been having at its disposal an extraordinary novelty, Macrolane Vrf (Volume restoration factor). We talked about this treatment already in our Internet portal soon after its presentation - and it represents the first filler for volume restoration and body reshaping. Based on NASHA hyaluronic acid (Non-Animal Stabilized Hyaluronic Acid), it is obtained by biosynthesis and manufactured in Uppsala (Sweden) by the Q-Med Society of Biotecnologies, the same one producing Restylane, the filler for facial wrinkles and imperfections most commonly used in the world (it exceeded 10 million treatments) and most scientifically ‘tested’.
Macrolane is a transparent gel of hyaluronic acid made up of macromolecules giving the product a dense and compact consistency, ideal for the restoration of significant volumes. Contrarily to Restylane, Macrolane, although remaining ductile and extremely soft, has a greater ability to raise, support and restore volumes. The new body filler can be used to emphasize décolleté, buttocks and calves; to redefine and round out silhouette contours; to fill voids left by liposuction, as well as scars caused by trauma or surgery; to sculpt male chests. It can be considered the best solution, especially for the buttocks augmentation: until today the only remedy to raise the gluteus was the insertion of a prosthesis, yet it implied surgery. In September 2007 Macrolane obtained CE approval for Body Shaping, followed by definitive green light at the beginning of 2008 for use on the breast.
Macrolane is injected with a cannula as big as a large needle, under the mammary glands and over the muscle. The only post-implant warning: avoid exposure to excessive heat or cold (for instance sauna bath), as well as undergoing massages for a few weeks.
Well, a futuristic treatment that lays reliable and qualitatively superior foundations to a new non-invasive aesthetic. Under the banner of gentleness.
Further information under: TOLL-FREE NUMBER 800 216 207
Macrolane is a transparent gel of hyaluronic acid made up of macromolecules giving the product a dense and compact consistency, ideal for the restoration of significant volumes. Contrarily to Restylane, Macrolane, although remaining ductile and extremely soft, has a greater ability to raise, support and restore volumes. The new body filler can be used to emphasize décolleté, buttocks and calves; to redefine and round out silhouette contours; to fill voids left by liposuction, as well as scars caused by trauma or surgery; to sculpt male chests. It can be considered the best solution, especially for the buttocks augmentation: until today the only remedy to raise the gluteus was the insertion of a prosthesis, yet it implied surgery. In September 2007 Macrolane obtained CE approval for Body Shaping, followed by definitive green light at the beginning of 2008 for use on the breast.
Macrolane is injected with a cannula as big as a large needle, under the mammary glands and over the muscle. The only post-implant warning: avoid exposure to excessive heat or cold (for instance sauna bath), as well as undergoing massages for a few weeks.
Well, a futuristic treatment that lays reliable and qualitatively superior foundations to a new non-invasive aesthetic. Under the banner of gentleness.
Further information under: TOLL-FREE NUMBER 800 216 207